Kabelmateriale TPU kan fungere bra på -35 ° C til 65 ° C temperatur, forbedret teknologi gjør kabelen Diamater tynnere enn Vanlige TPE, Lagre frakt Kostnad.
Alle karakterer tilgjengelig
16A / 32A , single fase / tre fase, Type1 / .Type 2, Mann / Kvinne
god struktur
pluggen er helt formet uten skrue på overflate, ikke lett å knuse og være påvirket med fuktig
EV type 2 AC charger are avaliable in wall mounted and floor mounted types with output 16A,32A, and 63A (dual guns).The charger is reliable,flexible ,fast and easy to operate.It is fully tested by authorities,suitable for public and residential parking lots,highway service areas,etc.
The AC charger of Mimeng Technology ,with output current from 16S to 32A,has single gun output or dual guns,and can be widely used in public parking lot ,residential parking lot,office building parking lot,shopping mall and other small and medium-sized electric vehicle charging places.
Product Feature:
Compliant with the industrial standards, the charger use MID certified meter to ensure accuracy and built-in RCD to secure safety. The charger also includes 6mA DC leakage detection, which eliminates the need for an expensive up-cost of RCD type B.
Multiple public chargers in one location can be integrated in the network with only one internet communication connection. Thanks to open protocol OCPP 1.6, the charger operation and status is monitored and controlled by existing backend or central management system.
Product Feature:
Newya Technology has a new generation of intelligent charging piles for the new energy ecology.
Based on the embedded intelligent charging pile independently researched and developed by LINUX, it is the first to realize seamless access to the Internet of things and smart cities.
It is suitable for concentrated high-power charging occasions whose routes are more fixed such as public buses, corporate shuttles, and commuter vehicles, and charging occasions which can meet the needs of fast charging of multiple vehicles at the same time.